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Independent Film Company Rolls Cameras in Light of Actor and Writer Strike: Lights, Cameras, Action

Perpetual: Novel to movie

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Perpetual Productions, a vibrant Charlotte regional team brings to the screen the Perpetual novels. Perpetual Hope is a bonus.

“No government or corporation will control perpetual energy. My discovery will be free for the world, or nobody gets it at all!” Doctor Jackson’s final words perpetually haunt Matthew and Maria . . .”

— Dr. Jackson

CHARLOTTE, NC, UNITED STATES, July 20, 2023/ — Perpetual Productions, is a vibrant Charlotte regional team with award winning Director, Crew and Composer. This team comes together to bring to the screen the Perpetual Trilogy of suspense adventure novels written by Charlottean, Brian Huey. See: Along with movie dynamics, Perpetual Productions gives back to the community to help cancer Fighters, Survivors and Thrivers.

What’s Perpetual all about?

Suspense. Adventure. Energy. Environment. A Love Story.

Who is on the Team?

Charlotte centric regional and Georgia based award winning crew including Composer, Fred Story, Director, Michael Cable, Sound Engineer, Mike Cavell, 1st AD and actor Chad Ayers, Director of Photography, David Rakoczy, and Marc Ford formerly with 20th Century Fox as screenwriter.

How can I find Perpetual?

In your search engine type: Perpetual by Brian Huey. Available in print and audio wherever great books are sold.

What’s the buzz in Mooresville, North Carolina.

The Perpetual pilot, a short film festival movie, will be shot at Mooresville High School beginning August 18, 2023. Charlotte based award winning Director, Michael Cable, is expecting a three-day shoot. Perpetual the pilot is a stand-alone three-act adventure film starting with intense action, building a character driven story, and culminating in a surprise ending. All this will open the floodgates to an expansive intended franchise: Perpetual films and television.

What is the Perpetual Hope Tour?

Perpetual Productions LLC has tied-in with cancer research centers nationwide. In June the tour landed at the Cleveland, Ohio iconic Brother’s Lounge, teaming up with VeloSano cycling and the Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center. In Charlotte, the movie and benefit team will connect with Levine Cancer Center, Atrium and Novant. Details are in the works with a local celebrity as EMCEE, top local bands, food, friends and more. To get involved with the cancer event for Fighters, Survivors and Thrivers, contact cancer survivor and event coordinator, Heather Bokelkamp [email protected]

How can Charlotteans and Carolinians get involved?

Investors, Extras, Media or others can contact Producer, Brandon Pollock, [email protected].

For more information on the books, audiobooks, or other Perpetual source material, [email protected] .

Come one, come all. Get on the bus! (Perpetual features a cool character, a 23 window SAMBA VW Bus).

Brian Huey’s “Perpetual” is a compelling series of novels that have gained critical acclaim and is soon to be produced to film. Brian’s dream has been to further the cause of cancer research and the Perpetual Hope Tour has been doing that throughout the country. In the fall he and his team in association with local talent and corporations with throw the best fundraiser ever and make a difference!

CONTACT: [email protected] 704-607-1434

Brian Huey
Huey Media
+1 7046071434
email us here
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Originally published at