EBRD, Warsaw Stock Exchange and Ukraine’s National Securities and Stock Market Commission to strengthen capital markets in Ukraine

On 7 July, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE), and Ukraine’s National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) announced that they would join forces to strengthen capital markets in Ukraine. 

As explained in the EBRD press release, the parties seek to establish a structured cooperation to contribute to Ukraine’s recovery, by enabling capital markets to become a meaningful source of finance and attracting local and international investment.

They also aim to support Ukraine’s integration into the EU and international capital markets, as well as developing financial services and products based on the best international practices and innovative financial technologies.  

Under the agreement, the partners will undertake market and regulatory framework assessments, and conduct due diligence with respect to the development of capital market infrastructure and local financial market development in Ukraine. 

In addition, they will work on elaborating options on the modalities of the EBRD’s and WSE’s potential support for developing Ukraine’s capital market infrastructure. 

Find out more

Press release

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/644013592/ebrd-warsaw-stock-exchange-and-ukraine-s-national-securities-and-stock-market-commission-to-strengthen-capital-markets-in-ukraine