African Immigrants in Iowa Rally Behind Presidential Candidate Rollan Roberts

African Immigrants in Iowa Rally Behind Presidential Candidate Rollan Roberts

Presidential Candidate Rollan Roberts II

Presidential Candidate Rollan Roberts II and Dr. Gershom Sikaala meeting with African and religious leaders

Presidential Candidate Rollan Roberts II and Dr. Gershom Sikaala meeting with Chairman and Board Member Iowa Liberian Council

Someone needs to hear the grievances and support the hard-working immigrants that are an integral part to our economy and communities

70% of the world’s youth will reside on the African continent by 2030. Every business and entrepreneur in the world will be clamoring to do business in Africa”

— Presidential Candidate Rollan Roberts II

DES MOINES, IOWA, USA, August 21, 2023/ — Presidential Candidate Rollan Roberts spent the weekend in Des Moines, Iowa meeting with African and religious leaders from Liberia, South Sudan, and Zambia, which where facilitated by Dr. Gershom Sikaala. According to Roberts, “There are 10,000+ African immigrants in Iowa alone. They love family, God, America, and Africa. Neither political party and no other candidate has addressed the needs of the minority community in Iowa. I love a good fair, but someone needs to hear the grievances and support the hard-working immigrants that are an integral part to our economy and communities.” Roberts believes the 11+ million African immigrants in the United States will be key to his presidential victory.

Some of the largest African contingents in the United States hail from Nigeria, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia. Much like the Hispanic community, they are very organized, connected, and move together. Roberts counts their support vital and humbling. Central to the Roberts campaign is improving the plight and destiny of American minorities, women, and youth with greater voice, relevance, and opportunity.

Dr. Roberts states, “I have spent years bringing clean water and education to Africa. While I was pouring my heart into helping develop the people and governments in Africa, many of them were coming to America to prepare the ground for me here. African and Hispanic immigrants are a mighty force, and American politics has never experienced the full impact of when they are fully mobilized. They are about to.”

Roberts has unveiled a comprehensive plan for abandoning foreign aid to African countries that has done nothing but plunged them deeper into poverty in favor of investing in African youth and infrastructure. Roberts said, “70% of the world’s youth will reside on the African continent by 2030. Every business and entrepreneur in the world will be clamoring to do business in Africa. With a supermajority of the world’s youth on one continent, the future of economic growth, trends, culture, peace, and ideology will be greatly influenced by African youth, and it is in America’s best interest to play a major role and influence in their success and thought process.”

For additional questions, contact [email protected].

About Rollan Roberts

Rollan Roberts II is an American businessman, government advisor, and 2024 Republican Candidate for President of the United States. He is married to Rebecca Lea Roberts, with whom they share one son, Rollan III (R3), born July 4, 2023, and has 2 older daughters from a previous marriage. Rollan grew up in the holler of Beaver, West Virginia and started his career at the bottom working his way through college, and eventually getting his Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Liberty University and Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) from California InterContinental University. He has led small and large companies and helped underserved people start businesses around the world. He believes that entrepreneurship is the single, greatest economic engine on earth that levels the playing field and does not discriminate.

Dr. Roberts has extensive experience with good governance, infrastructure, foreign affairs, education, and diplomacy. He served with former Congress people and Ambassadors on a U.S. Delegation to South Sudan in 2021 and 2022, where he assisted with the stabilization of the transitional to a permanent government. Previously, he has served as an advisor to national governments on matters of diplomacy, national security, entrepreneurship, education, clean water, wastewater, and waste-to-energy infrastructure. As well, he addressed China’s intellectual property theft and the trade war to Beijing officials directly in the Great Hall of the People in 2017. And because of Dr. Roberts’ governmental acumen, it was conferred upon him by the African diplomatic designation of His Excellency as Peace Ambassador to Nations from the International College of Peace Studies.

Dr. Roberts is a Republican who respects people and reason. He discusses issues, not labels; facts, not fantasy; and he leads with sound wisdom and truth. And now, with the help of Almighty God, he seeks to serve every American as President of the United States.

For more information about Rollan Roberts’ Presidential Campaign, go to

Dr. Roberts is available for interviews.

Please email Rollan Roberts’ office at: [email protected]

Terry Warren
Global Communications Now
+1 949-743-4065
[email protected]

Originally published at